If we’re versed in the science and practice of mindfulness or well-being, we may be inclined to label technology as counterproductive. While being mindful of how we spend our time online is part of building a healthy relationship with technology, it’s not the whole story. There’s also a lot to gain from experiencing the full benefits of technology, especially in the realm of fostering or deepening online connection. Read on to learn more!

Have you ever wondered if others’ posts on social media are a genuine reflection of their life?  For example, is their life or business really as successful (or perfect) as it may sound?  In my early days of being a new business owner, spending time on social media was a slippery slope. One afternoon, when … Continued

Self-criticism is a social norm. While becoming your own BFF, seems only a remote possibility. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Becoming more aware of our best attributes can be a multifaceted mindfulness practice

How Being Present Can Calm a Worried Mind and Make us More Fulfilled

In this year’s 1% Challnege, you’ll have the opportunity to create and share your purpose with the world while impacting even more lives — and earning double the mindfulness minutes! — with Vibe Tribes.

Ever noticed someone rushing to get ahead of traffic? Swerving from one lane to another. Cutting in. Cutting out. Each time, an accident ready to happen.  “One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.” Chinese Proverb At the next stoplight, the angry driver is stuck … Continued

If it sounds silly to invest time in your busy life to get to know yourself, it’s possible that you’re buying into ideas about self-awareness that aren’t wholly true. Read on to discover 4 common misconceptions about self-awareness and potential workarounds.

A lot goes into being your true self in relationships. It may seem like you can simply flip a switch and show up as you are, vulnerabilities, flaws and all, but most people need more support to realize this aspiration. Getting away from old, inaccurate messages you heard from others, and becoming a more authentic, joyful person will set you up to have more meaningful connection

Idle time isn’t idle at all. When we rest we give our brains time to consolidate learning. Downtime also boosts creativity, problem solving and gives our bodies time to restore. So, if you want to be more productive, take a break or even a nap.

Here are five ways to help you remember and make the most out of self-care during your recovery phase from a physical or emotional setback.