Written by Elaine Smookler, RP. Faculty, Centre for Mindfulness Studies. Columnist- “Inner Wisdom” Mindful Magazine , Faculty, eMindful Doesn’t it just drive you crazy when someone asks you the exact same question for the 5th time and still doesn’t listen when you answer?  Borrows your favourite pen off your desk without asking, and then doesn’t put … Continued

Mindful eating can help us slow down and develop a balance between emotional eating and a more mindful approach to food, leading to a healthier connection to our body, overall health, and well-being.  Sound good?  Want to give mindful eating a try? It starts with awareness.

When you get a bill in your mailbox do you break into a cold sweat? When you walk into Target, do you feel confident, or stressed wondering if you’ll buy more than you planned?

By Kevin Renner Are you getting enough sleep? Probably not. And are you suffering from nagging pains? Probably. It’s part of living in today’s hyper-stressed out world—for you, your firm, and your clients. And it comes at a considerable cost. Fortunately both can be improved, without drugs. Improved sleep quality and reduced pain are two … Continued

Chronic illness. Job dissatisfaction. Low performance. High absenteeism. Burnout. Is there any way out of this cycle? Fortunately, yes. Recent research on resiliency points to new areas of promise. One of the most effective is mindfulness practice. Last year alone, 535 research papers on mindfulness were published in scientific and medical journals. Many of those … Continued

Ruth Q. Wolever, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, eMindful Inc. A common question I hear as a researcher, and one we hear at eMindful as a provider of mindfulness programs, is, “How does mindfulness affect workplace performance?” That is, does it affect whether employees deliver quality results, consistently meet deadlines, keep customers happy, and avoid costly … Continued

Ruth Q. Wolever, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, eMindful Inc. Why are employers increasingly interested in mindfulness? Specifically, why have companies like Aetna, Apple, Google, and General Mills implemented mindfulness training for their employees? With over 4,000 scientific papers published on mindfulness (half of them in the past 3 years), evidence is emerging that links mindfulness … Continued

OK, so you’re investing a fair amount of money in your wellness program. What’s the payoff for your company’s shareholders? A recent article in the Journal of Environmental Medicine (September 2013, Volume 55, Number 9) took an intriguing approach to that question. Most researchers try to calculate an ROI from wellness programs. But this group … Continued

The rapid spread of mindfulness practice through seemingly improbable business sectors continues. Only a few weeks ago, we wrote about CNBC highlighting the spread of mindfulness on Wall Street. And yesterday, The Wall Street Journal noted the spread of mindfulness throughout the legal profession. “…meditation, breathing exercises and focus techniques are in vogue in corporate … Continued

On CNBC recently, Deepak Chopra, MD, described the usefulness of meditation for people on Wall Street. Yes, Wall Street. Just like its use is growing in police departments, military units, classrooms, and workplaces. Speaking about a friend who manages a hedge fund, he said, “His entire staff meditates. I know many others now on Wall … Continued