By eM Life Teacher Kelly Barron Picture this: You’re on a conference call while simultaneously answering an email from a colleague when your cell phone pings with an urgent text. You hurriedly finish up your email so you can respond to the text all the while doing your best to listen in to the call. … Continued

In celebration of National Diabetes Awareness Month, eMindful has profiled Heather Nielsen, the developer of our diabetes program, on her experience with the condition, and how she currently helps people with diabetes live healthier lifestyles through mindfulness. “I always thought I was healthy.” This can’t be. Those were Heather Nielsen’s thoughts when she learned that … Continued

How do you find your voice? How do you zoom in on the distinct note that’s yours and speak in a way that authentically expresses what you want to say?  And how do you express what you want to say in a way that can be heard? Sometimes finding the will to voice our opinion … Continued

By eM Life teacher Mike Engle Bumps in the Road of Life Life always has something to throw at you and there isn’t really any way around it.  Sometimes we get hit with small hiccups in the road (my toddler just peed his pants in the car, I can’t get this freaking toaster to work) … Continued

By eM Life Self-Awareness  in Our Day-to-Day Lives It’s easy to believe that more will make you happier. Particularly, in  the United States where financial wealth and household income are commonly linked to well-being, according to data from the Pew Research Center. It’s not surprising how we’ve come to believe that having more will make … Continued

By eM Life instructor Ninette Hupp Emotions and Stress are Part of the Human Experience. Altering the way we relate to them makes a huge difference. Often times they lead us to be stuck in the past or obsessed with what may happen in the future. Maybe, you’ve noticed that when you’re feeling depressed your … Continued

By eM Life Living Life to the Fullest Settling back into a vacation at the beach has always been my most perfect way to recharge. One particular day as I relaxed on a beach in Maui, I experienced a state of mind where I truly saw the beauty of the day. As waves broke on … Continued

By eM Life teacher Mike Engle It Takes Practice “Mike, can you come in here for a sec?” I can hear the tone of anger in my wife’s voice, and as I walk into the room and see her face I feel my stomach knot up in fear and my body tingle with defensiveness. “Uh … Continued

By eM Life teacher Kelly Barron Happiness can be Subtle The other day I saw the postman sitting in his truck and I went outside to hand him a letter. We exchanged some friendly chitchat and I headed back inside. As I turned to go into the house, a warm, unexpected summer breeze greeted me. … Continued

By: Andrea Lieberstein, MPH, RDN, RYT How do you typically live your life? Is it well regimented? Are your plans made well in advance? And do you stick to them at all costs, even when your inner wisdom is telling otherwise? Maybe you’re a social butterfly who always has something to do or you prefer … Continued