After attending an outdoor concert of 20,000 people this summer, the first comment I made to my friend and fellow concertgoer was, “My legs hurt.” Comforted to hear that it wasn’t just me, I couldn’t help but laugh at how the tides have turned from music festivals past. Same artist, same venue, aging fans.  Of … Continued

Selecting the first day of school outfit. Finding out who’s in your class. Meeting new teachers. Reconnecting with classmates after a summer apart. Picking extra-curricular activities. These are all common back-to-school jitters I recall when I reflect on my time as a student. Including a few years ago when attending my Master’s program as an … Continued

Mindfulness practices teach us to get out into nature to improve our moods through connection to the environment. I try to incorporate mindful walks in my daily life as much as possible, especially since I came across a study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) showing that on average people spend up to 93% of … Continued

Just because our summer is starting to wind down, doesn’t mean our mindfulness practice has to. There are live classes for everyone coming up in August – find a program that resonates with you to put yourself in a good mindframe to greet the new season. Login and explore eM Life’s upcoming live mindfulness programs … Continued

What’s a fun aspect of being a single woman in your thirties? Glad you asked. For me it’s being the cool aunt to all the wonderful littles in my family and friend groups. I get all the glory of cooking up games and entertainment for the kids, without having to worry about the clean up.  … Continued

The other day at the gym, while working out on the treadmill, a man beside me started a conversation by complaining about rising gas prices. A construction worker who drove a large truck, the man said it cost him $175 to fill up his tank. Inflation has claimed another victim. And it’s likely claiming you … Continued

One of my girlfriends, a mother of two young boys, asked me over coffee the other day, “How can I be more present with my kids in the morning?” At first I giggled and said, “Good luck!”, knowing full well that school mornings are filled with activity, and can be a difficult time to give … Continued

Summer is in full swing, the weather is warm, and for many of us our calendars are bursting at the seams. Don’t forget to take some time to prioritize you this month! Login and explore eM Life’s live programs to offer yourself some much deserved self-care and improve your health, happiness and well-being.  Improve All … Continued

When I think about my well-being, it helps me to think of a pie. Not a delicious apple and rhubarb pie, but a pie chart. I’ll explain.  There are four key aspects to consider when reflecting on our well-being: mental, physical, social, and financial health. These are often referred to as the ‘pillars of well-being’, … Continued

On a tour of Thomas Edison’s estate in West Orange, New Jersey, I learned that the inventor of artificial light was famously against sleeping more than a few hours a night. I subscribed to his “sleep is a waste of time” mentality, not realizing that neglecting sleep could put me on a fast track to … Continued