June 24, 2024
Monthly Mindfulness: What’s Coming in July
Summer is in full swing, and you may find yourself with a busy calendar. Remember, it’s OK to take a pause amidst all the activity and check in with your emotional health. Explore eM Life’s live programs touching on everything from applying mindfulness in your everyday life, to improving your problem-solving skills, to cultivating positive thoughts and feelings to help prevent depression, and a mindful practice for maintaining a healthy weight.
Mindfulness at Work: Stress Reduction – July 8
Life comes at us fast, and sometimes hard, and stress affects us all. How we deal with life’s challenges determines our quality of life. With Mindfulness at Work™, ten 30-minute interactive sessions taught by expert mindfulness teacher Bernice Moore will help you learn how to apply mindfulness in your everyday life to improve your health, happiness, and performance.
The Art of Mindful Eating – July 9 and July 31
Whether we anticipate meals, use food as a coping mechanism, or wish for a quick solution like a food pill, our relationship with eating varies. Introducing mindfulness to our meals can reduce stress, enhance attention, foster appreciation, and provide insight into emotional eating habits. Join us for a 60-minute webinar taught by expert mindfulness teachers Jim Austin and Cindy Gittleman to learn mindful eating practices that help you regain control over your food choices.
Mindful Leadership Series – July 17
Managing shifting priorities in a constantly changing work environment is a common challenge facing leaders in the workplace. With the Mindful Leadership Program, you will learn to use mindfulness to show up authentically and lead effectively in a diverse environment. This program will help you increase self-awareness and self-regulation, improve collaboration and problem solving, cultivate an inclusive environment, and manage challenging situations with more grace and ease. Join us for this six-session program led by expert mindfulness teacher Elmo Shade.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training (MBCT) – July 22
When we are presented with difficult situations or have difficult thoughts, they can spiral into a dark cloud impacting our everyday life. The MBCT program, which is based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles, has been proven to help you build skills to cultivate positive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors to help prevent depression or a relapse of depression.
Join us for this 16-session live program (plus a retreat) taught by expert mindfulness teacher Roger Nolan.
Weight Balance for Life – July 29
Do you have trouble losing weight or keeping it off, without knowing why? Research shows that it’s often because eating has become a way of habitually coping with stress and other emotions. Through this program, you will use mindfulness to increase awareness of emotions and habits associated with eating to help you achieve or maintain your weight goals. This 20-session program is taught by expert mindfulness teacher Cindy Gittleman.
QuitSmart Mindfully – July 30
If you’re having a difficult time walking away from tobacco use, you’re not alone. QuitSmart™ Mindfully will help you build strategies to cope with cravings and address the emotions behind the addiction that keep you feeling stuck. Join us for this 10-session live program taught by expert mindfulness teacher Jim Austin which includes free nicotine replacement therapy (choose between gum or patches).