March 23, 2023
Monthly mindfulness: What’s coming in April
Take time to reduce stress in honor of Stress Awareness Month. Explore eM Life’s upcoming live programs to learn mindfulness skills that help you relieve stress, better manage stressors, and avoid burnout.
Managing Activities to Prevent Burnout – April 4 and April 19
When stressful moments or difficult times in life arise, there are things we can do to take care of ourselves. We can learn to pause and ground ourselves so we are in a better position to make a good decision about our next step. It’s also important to assess our current lifestyle in relation to diet, exercise, and rest to ensure that we lead lives that nourish us, rather than deplete us. This 60-minute webinar led by expert mindfulness teachers Cindy Gittleman and Elisha Goldstein will teach you proven ways you can take care of yourself that optimize your ability to manage stressful situations.
Mindfulness at Work™: Stress Reduction – April 11
Life comes at us fast, and sometimes hard, and stress affects us all. It’s how we deal with life’s challenges that determines our quality of life. With Mindfulness at Work™, ten 30-minute interactive sessions taught by expert mindfulness teacher Jim Austin will help you learn how to apply mindfulness in your everyday life to improve your health, happiness, and performance.
Skills to Thrive in Anxious Times – April 18
Change and uncertainty contribute to added stress and anxiety for many. This series of six, 60-minute, expert-led, interactive sessions taught by expert mindfulness teacher Cindy Gittleman will help you develop the skills to overcome the habitual patterns of thoughts and feelings that get in the way of your day-to-day success and fulfillment at work.
Mindfully Overcoming Addictive Behaviors – April 27
Mindfully Overcoming Addictive Behaviors is a course for individuals navigating the various stages of addictions of all kinds. Participants will develop their self-awareness skills to identify the triggers, obstacles and pain behaviors associated with addiction. Join us for this 10-session live program led by expert mindfulness teacher Mark Pirtle.