July 27, 2022
Monthly Mindfulness: What’s Coming in August
Just because our summer is starting to wind down, doesn’t mean our mindfulness practice has to. There are live classes for everyone coming up in August – find a program that resonates with you to put yourself in a good mindframe to greet the new season. Login and explore eM Life’s upcoming live mindfulness programs today.
Journey Forward: The M.M.A.P. For Success – August 8th
Developed and delivered by veterans, our mindfulness training provides a toolkit to improve performance on the job and quality of life off the job. Learn how to recalibrate and rest your nervous system – feel better and sleep better by managing your stress. Then apply these techniques to enhance your ability to connect, communicate, concentrate and maintain focus. Join us for this multi-week live program taught by expert mindfulness teacher Bernice Moore.
Bringing Calm and Focus to Overwhelming Situations – August 9th and August 24th
Whether we’re at home or at work, life gets overwhelming. This often leads us into regular behaviors of coping that often aren’t very effective (ie. distraction, wasting time, lashing out, shutting down, drinking, smoking, etc.) In this webinar we’ll explore individual stress factors and explore ways that we can stay with the intensity of feelings that come up during overwhelming situations by learning to recognize and sit with them, rather than reacting on automatic pilot or needing to get rid of these feelings. Join us for this 60-minute live session taught by expert mindfulness teachers Cindy Gittleman and Elisha Goldstein.
Introduction to Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training (MBCT) – August 9th
Whether you feel down from time to time, or more than you’d like to admit, a new habit of mindfulness practice can help. In this webinar, we will give you an overview of the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training (MBCT) live, multi-session program. You will learn a few simple practices that can help you recognize unhealthy habits of mind and build skills to cultivate positivity. Join us for this 30-minute live session taught by expert mindfulness teacher Roger Nolan.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training (MBCT) – August 16th
When we are presented with difficult situations or have difficult thoughts, these can spiral into a dark cloud impacting our everyday life. The MBCT program, which is based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles, has been proven to help you build skills to cultivate positive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors to help prevent depression or a relapse of depression. Join us for this 16-session live program (plus a 4-hour retreat) taught by expert mindfulness teacher Elaine Smookler.
QuitSmart™ Mindfully – August 16th
The QuitSmart Mindfully program has repeatedly demonstrated that over 40% of participants have stopped smoking measured by the six month milestone. eM Life has collaborated with Dr. Robert H. Shipley, Director of the Duke University Medical Center Stop Smoking Program, to offer you an integrated program that is truly effective. Join us for this 10-session live program taught by expert mindfulness teacher Jim Austin.
Shaking Off That Sedentary Lifestyle – August 18th and August 30th
The focus of this webinar is to learn skills based on the principles of mindfulness for losing weight, maintaining weight loss, and improving metabolic health. It is common to experience barriers to incorporating both daily physical activity and planned exercise. Mindfulness can help you overcome barriers by creating a pause between the immediate perception of the barrier and automatic reaction, to allow you to challenge the barrier and envision what is possible. Join us for this 60-minute live session taught by expert mindfulness teachers Cindy Gittleman and Jim Austin.
Skills to Thrive in Anxious Times – August 23rd
Change and uncertainty contribute to added stress and anxiety for many. With Skills to Thrive in Anxious Times, the 60-minute, expert-led, interactive sessions will help you develop the skills to overcome the habitual patterns of thoughts and feelings that get in the way of your day-to-day success and fulfillment at work. Join us for this 6-session live program taught by expert mindfulness teacher Roger Nolan.
Mindfulness at Work™: Stress Reduction – August 29th
Life comes at us fast, and sometimes hard. Stress affects us all. It’s how we deal with life’s challenges that determines our quality of life. With Mindfulness at Work™, the 30-minute, expert-led, interactive sessions will help you learn how to apply mindfulness in your everyday life to improve your health, happiness, and performance. Join us for this 10-session live program taught by expert mindfulness teacher Bernice Moore.
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery – August 30th
Studies show that mindfulness practice increases immunological functioning, improves the quality of life for cancer patients, and provides better focus and decision-making skills.This program can help you enhance your immune system function and improve your quality of life, focus, and decision-making skills through mindfulness . Join us for this 12-session live program taught by expert mindfulness teacher Lisa Wickham.