April 5, 2022
Monthly Mindfulness: What’s Coming in April
Decluttering your mind and your living space can both be essential for your well-being, and with warmer weather and Spring cleaning underway, there are multiple live programs to help you strengthen your mind-body connection and overcome all of the clutter in your daily life. If you’re curious about mindfulness or have a specific challenge you want to begin to overcome, log in and explore these live, multi-week eM Life programs.
Overcoming Obstacles to Change – April 7th + April 20th
We all want to make changes in our lives, whether it’s to become better at the work we do, improve our health and wellness, improve our relationships, or engage with the practices of this program. In the process there are always obstacles that derail us from our intentions. Join us for this 60-minute session led by expert teachers Cindy Gittleman (April 7th) and Elisha Goldstein (April 20th).
Hunger & Fullness How Do We Know What Is Enough? – April 12th + April 28th
The focus of this program is to explore strategies and learn skills based on the principles of “mindfulness” for losing weight, maintaining weight loss, and decreasing metabolic health problems. Mindless eating or eating when we are not physically hungry to manage our emotions or avoid dealing with stress is a part of life. Join us for this 60-minute session led by expert mindfulness teachers Jim Austin (April 12th) and Cindy Gittleman (April 28th).
Mindful Leadership Series – April 19th
Managing shifting priorities in a constantly changing work environment is a common challenge facing leaders in the workplace. With the Mindful Leadership Series, you will learn to use mindfulness to show up authentically and lead effectively in a diverse environment. Join us for this six-session program led by expert mindfulness teacher Kelly Barron.
Mindfully Overcoming Addictive Behaviors – April 20th
Mindfully Overcoming Addictive Behaviors is for individuals navigating the various stages of addictions of all kinds. In this program, participants will develop their self-awareness skills to identify the triggers, obstacles and pain behaviors associated with addiction. Join us for this 10-session course led by expert mindfulness teacher Mark Pirtle.
Living Well with Chronic Pain – April 26th
Living Well With Chronic Pain is a supportive skills class for people living with chronic pain. Developed by a leading center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt University, it is an effective, non-medical approach to managing chronic pain and often used in conjunction with medical treatments. Join us for this 10-session program led by expert mindfulness teacher Lisa Wickham.
Stress Less, Live More – April 26th
Life comes at us fast, and sometimes hard. Stress affects us all. But it’s how we deal with those challenges that determines our quality of life. With Stress Less Live More™, you’ll feel better, sleep better, concentrate better, and probably even eat better. Join us for this 10-session program led by expert mindfulness teacher Jim Austin.
QuitSmart Mindfully – April 26th
QuitSmart Mindfully has repeatedly demonstrated that over 40% of participants have stopped smoking measured by the six month milestone. Join us for this 10-session program led by expert mindfulness teacher Jim Austin.
Better Living with Diabetes – April 27th
Living with diabetes can be challenging, confusing, and lonely. Mindfulness can help you deal with the challenges of living with diabetes. This course provides diabetes-specific mindfulness practices, as well as valuable diabetes tips and tools for truly Better Living with Diabetes. Join us for this four-session program led by expert mindfulness teacher Heather Nielsen.
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery – April 28th
Created in collaboration with the University of Calgary, MBCR is for patients facing some of the issues that are specific to their illness. Studies show that mindfulness practice increases immunological functioning, improves the quality of life for cancer patients, and provides better focus and decision-making skills. Join us for this 12-session program led by expert mindfulness teacher Lisa Wickham.