December 28, 2021
Monthly Mindfulness Schedule: What’s Coming in January
Mindful Leadership Series – January 5th
Managing shifting priorities in a constantly changing work environment is a common challenge facing leaders in the workplace. With the Mindful Leadership Program, you will learn to use mindfulness to show up authentically and lead effectively in a diverse environment. This program will help you increase self-awareness and self-regulation, improve collaboration and problem-solving, cultivate an inclusive environment, and manage challenging situations with more grace and ease. Join us for this live, interactive program with expert mindfulness teacher Elmo Shade.
Skills to Thrive in Anxious Times – January 6th
Change and uncertainty contribute to added stress and anxiety for many. With Skills to Thrive in Anxious Times, the 60-minute, expert-led, interactive sessions will help you develop the skills to overcome the habitual patterns of thoughts and feelings that get in the way of your day-to-day success and fulfillment at work. Join us for this live, interactive program with expert mindfulness teacher Cindy Gittleman.
Mindfulness at Work – January 10th
Life comes at us fast, and sometimes hard. Stress affects us all. It’s how we deal with life’s challenges that determines our quality of life. With Mindfulness at Work ™, expert-led, interactive sessions will help you learn how to apply mindfulness in your everyday life to improve your health, happiness, and performance. Join us for these 30-minute sessions with teacher Mike Engle.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training – January 18th
When we are presented with difficult situations or have difficult thoughts, these can spiral into a dark cloud impacting our everyday life. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training (MBCT) is a live, 16-session mindfulness training workshop with a 4-hour retreat taught by an expert teacher. The program, which is based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles, has been proven to help you build skills to cultivate positive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors to help prevent depression or a relapse of depression. Join us for this live, interactive program with expert mindfulness teacher Elaine Smookler.
QuitSmart Mindfully – January 18th
eMindful’s QuitSmart Mindfully program has repeatedly demonstrated that over 40% of participants have stopped smoking measured by the six month milestone. eMindful has collaborated with Dr. Robert H. Shipley, Director of the Duke University Medical Center Stop Smoking Program, to offer you an integrated program that is truly effective. Join us for this live, interactive program with expert mindfulness teacher Jim Austin.
Cultivating Compassion – January 19th
It’s natural to feel empathy and compassion for those who are struggling. What would it be like to receive the same caring attention when you need it most? Join this program and develop the skills of mindfulness and compassion to help you meet day-to-day challenges from a position of strength. Join us for this live, interactive program with expert mindfulness teacher Marta Patterson.
Mindfully Overcoming Addictive Behaviors – January 20th
Mindfully Overcoming Addictive Behaviors is a 10-week live program for individuals navigating the various stages of addictions of all kinds. In this program, participants will develop their self-awareness skills to identify the triggers, obstacles, and pain behaviors associated with addiction. This program creates a strong foundation by examining the behaviors associated with addiction and applying mindfulness practices to effectively manage impulses and shift limiting mindsets. Join us for this interactive, live program with expert mindfulness teacher Mark Pirtle.
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery – January 26th
Created in collaboration with the University of Calgary, MBCR is a 12-week cancer program for patients facing some of the issues that are specific to their illness. Studies show that mindfulness practice increases immunological functioning, improves the quality of life for cancer patients, and provides better focus and decision-making skills. Yet many people under medical care for cancer cannot access support programs due to geographical distance, transportation issues, cancer-related illness or limited mobility. Our MBCR program is the only mindfulness-based cancer support program available in a live, online interactive classroom. Anyone with an Internet connection can participate. Join us for this 12-week program with expert teacher Lisa Wickham.
Living Well with Chronic Pain – January 27th
Living Well With Chronic Pain is a supportive skills program for people living with chronic pain. Developed by a leading center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt University, it is an effective, non-medical approach to managing chronic pain and is often used in conjunction with medical treatments. In this course, participants learn to become aware of thoughts and emotions shaping their pain experience and, in so doing, take advantage of the healing links between mind and body. This treatment approach helps harness the mind’s power to quiet pain, improve psychological flexibility and gain self-efficacy.
Mindfulness practice applied to chronic pain helps individuals understand how emotions, thoughts, and behaviors affect physical symptoms, worsening or improving them. Using new skills, they learn to reverse some of the disabling effects of many chronic pain conditions, while also lifting anxiety and depression symptoms that often accompany chronic pain. Join us for this live, interactive program with expert mindfulness teacher Lisa Wickham.
Better Living with Diabetes – January 27th
Living with diabetes can be challenging, confusing, and lonely. Mindfulness can help you deal with the challenges of living with diabetes. This program provides diabetes-specific mindfulness practices, as well as valuable diabetes tips and tools for truly Better Living with Diabetes. You will learn mindful eating for blood sugar balance; mindful self-compassion to help handle the complex emotions that occur with diabetes; engage in mindful movement, and learn specific simple, brief meditations to promote wellbeing. Personal coaching is woven in throughout the course. The 4-week program consists of 4 1-hour classes, offered once per week for a total of 4 hours. Join us for this live, interactive program with expert mindfulness teacher Heather Nielsen.