April 1, 2021
Why Connection Is Critical for Employees During Times of Crisis
ORLANDO, FL (April 1, 2021) — When the pandemic hit, offices shuttered and employees began working remotely leaving many of our nation’s workforce isolated and lonely. Without water cooler conversation, employees turned to new tools to build connection.
eMindful, the leading provider of live, virtual mindfulness solutions, launched a One Percent Challenge in January to create connection and social good while improving the health of employees across the country. The challenge encouraged participants to practice mindfulness 14 minutes a day – or one percent of the day – for 30 days. Through the experience, participants cultivated connections virtually by creating or joining a community around a shared hope or intention for the world. For every minute of mindfulness practiced, eMindful matches and donates those minutes to charity.
“People do better mentally, physically, and emotionally when they connect with others during times of crisis,” said Mary Pigatti, CEO, eMindful. “While the pandemic has prevented us from being together physically, the challenge allowed participants to connect virtually and cultivate habits that positively impact their well-being while paying it forward to help others.”
Participants who registered for the One Percent Challenge had unlimited access to live, expert-led, interactive virtual mindfulness sessions and hundreds of hours of on-demand content on a wide range of topics via a mobile app or the web. They also were eligible for rewards the more they participated, including a Mindful Daily Practice Guide, an Amazon gift card, and 1:1 mindful mentoring sessions.
During the 30-day challenge, nearly 4,700 participants collectively logged 788,000 mindfulness minutes, which will positively impact 18 charities with donations paying it forward to approximately 56,000 lives. The minutes of mindfulness practiced will go toward a cash or in-kind donation to charities, including Mental Health America, Veteran’s Path, Books For Africa, Meals On Wheels People, and more.
“Research shows that building connections can affect personal and professional well-being,” Pigatti said. “Offering a resource where the power of connection is woven into the fabric of the solution helps organizations create a healthier and more engaged workforce during this challenging time.”