July 16, 2020
Top Skills Employees Need to Thrive in the Next Normal
ORLANDO, FL (July 16, 2020) – The ground has consistently shifted beneath our feet these past several months leaving our nation’s workforce with a collective sense of overwhelm and uncertainty, ultimately affecting employees’ well-being and productivity.
eMindful, the leading provider of live, virtual mindfulness solutions, set out to better understand what skills are needed to cope with prolonged stress. The organization conducted a survey sampling approximately 500 participants across industries to determine how to best support employees through this crisis. The survey asked, “What skills do you need to help you right now?”
The number one skill participants reported needing was the ability to focus. Employees also identified letting go, patience, acceptance, gratitude, connectedness, and compassion as other skills they needed.
“During periods of heightened anxiety, the ability to focus requires more effort and can be challenging for many individuals,” said Ruth Wolever, PhD, Chief Science Officer, eMindful. “Mindfulness can strengthen the unique skills needed during this time. Taking a personalized approach to build these skills will help organizations thrive and emerge from the pandemic with employees who are more resilient, focused, and connected to one another.”
The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 18.5% typically experience mental health issues in a year. This number has spiked in recent months with 45% saying the pandemic has affected their mental health, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
“As employers look at what benefits to offer in 2021, they will need a proven solution to address this surge in mental health issues and build new skills both leaders and employees will need to navigate this next normal,” said Mary Pigatti, CEO, eMindful. “eMindful offers an innovative, stigma-free approach to develop these skills and address this mental health crisis.”
To view the thought leadership report on these survey findings, contact sales@emindful.com.